Novi Elite™ Fishing System (FS) omogućuje vam pristup kompletnoj liniji Lowrance alata za pronalaženje ribe - uključujući ActiveTarget ™ live sonar, Active Imaging ™, FishReveal ™ i unaprijed učitani C-MAP® Contour™+ karte - Glavne značajke -ActiveTarget Live sonar i Active Imaging kompatibilni Live Sonar podržava dodatke sonara kao što su ActiveTarget ™ i Active Imaging ™ 3-u-1 sonar -Potpuna mrežna sposobnost: Više prikaza: dijeljenje sonara, grafikona, putnih točaka i ostalih korisničkih podataka između zaslona -Multi-touch zaslon visoke razlučivosti -Unaprijed učitane s C-MAP Contour + kartama (AMER, APAC) -NMEA 2000®: Podrška i nadzor NMEA 2000® uređaja -Halo radar: Izravno pogonite kupole radara Lowrance -Ukupna kontrola: Potpuna touchscreen kontrola Power Pole® anchor i Ghost® trolling motora
-NMEA Networking -Dual Micro SD -CHIRP MEGA Side Imaging, -CHIRP MEGA Down Imaging, -CHIRP Dual Spectrum -u paketu sa krmenom sondom XNT 9 HW MSI 150 T -The HELIX 7 CHIRP MEGA SI GPS G4N fish finder features MEGA Side Imaging, MEGA Down Imaging, Dual Spectrum CHIRP Sonar, AutoChart Live, Internal GPS and Humminbird Basemap built-in. An upgraded high-definition 7" display will give you the best view of the many pre-loaded split screen view options so that you'll never miss a fish. All HELIX 7 G4N models support Ethernet networking, Bluetooth(R), NMEA 2000(R), Wi-Fi and are compatible with the One-Boat Network(TM), which means you'll have total control of your fishing machine at your fingertips. -FEATURES -Keypad control: Master HELIX at the touch of a button. Access the pre-loaded views from the user-friendly menu system, operated by softkey controls that allow you to reliably operate your fish finder in any conditions. -MEGA Side Imaging: See the world below like never before with crystal-clear viewing out to 125 feet on either side of your boat. You'll unlock new details with up to 3X more detail than standard Side Imaging sonar. -MEGA Down Imaging: Get unprecedented underwater clarity with coverage down to 125 feet below your boat. You'll unlock new details with up to 3X more detail than standard Down Imaging sonar. -Dual Spectrum CHIRP sonar: Before you cast, know what's down there thanks to highly-detailed fish arches and a clear view of fish-holding structure and the bottom. Powered by our proprietary, Low-Q CHIRP transducer, Dual Spectrum CHIRP 2D sonar offers two ways to search; Wide Mode for maximum coverage and Narrow Mode for focusing on the slightest detail. -Internal GPS and Humminbird Basemap: Our enhanced basemap provides you with a clear view of underwater terrain and surrounding points of interest so you can fish and navigate with total confidence. Identify buoys, day markers, hazards, marinas, contours, depth markers and much, much more. Includes charts of more than 10,000 lakes, plus coastal coverage for the continental U.S. -Premium Chart Compatible: Humminbird provides the most complete offering of premium chart options to anglers everywhere. Get a complete view of the world below with optional charts from Humminbird's LakeMaster® and CoastMaster™ products, as well as your choice of compatible Navionics® charts. -AutoChart Live: Create real-time maps of your fishing spots, with access to patented Humminbird® LakeMaster® features. Map depth contours, bottom hardness and vegetation as you drive your boat. Comes standard with eight (8) hours of built-in recording time and is compatible with AutoChart Zero Line SD cards for virtually-endless AutoChart Live mapping capacity. -One-Boat Network Compatible: These Humminbird models seamlessly integrate and communicate with other Humminbird and Minn Kota products to unlock more features and capabilities for anglers everywhere. Make the more of your time on the water with the exclusive boat control and fish-catching features of the One-Boat Network. -Ethernet Networking: High-speed Ethernet allows you to build a powerful, professional-grade fishing system. Easily connect multiple fish finders, or upgrade to add-on technologies like Minn Kota i-Pilot Link and Humminbird CHIRP Radar. -Bluetooth: Take control right from the screen of your Humminbird with wireless communication to compatible Talon and Raptor shallow water anchors. Additional features include wireless software updates from the Humminbird FishSmart App and display of smart phone notifications on your Humminbird. -NMEA 2000 networking built-in: Connect an accessory NMEA 2000 network to your control head for even more information; from boat performance to weather and water conditions, make sense of it all with NMEA 2000 networking. -Includes control head, transom-mount transducer, power cable, gimbal mounting bracket and mounting hardware.
-sa krmenom sondom XM 14 HW MSI T -MEGA Side Imaging + -MEGA Down Imaging + -Dual Spectrum CHIRP sonar -12" Color Display -Cross Touch® Interface, AutoChart Live, Wi-Fi, NMEA 2000®, Bluetooth®, Ethernet One-Boat Network ™, Built In Mapping -Cross Touch® Interface: Control your fish finder using the touchscreen or the keypad—it's up to you. Any menu navigation you can do on the touchscreen can also be done on the keypad, providing quick and intuitive access to technologies on your terms, no matter your situation and conditions. -Customized Experience: Utilize an intuitive user interface and sidebar menu which provide customizable settings and view combinations to make your fishing experience all your own. -NEW Dual Core Processor: Perform any task with speed and ease, thanks to the ultra-responsive interface and upgraded processing power. -Airmar® Transducer ID: For those looking to install accessory 2D Airmar transducers, SOLIX G3 provides transducer ID to make for fast and simple setup. -Industry-leading Humminbird sonar: Equipped with MEGA Side Imaging+, MEGA Down Imaging+ and Dual Spectrum CHIRP sonar to keep you on the fish. MEGA Imaging+ provides views up to 250' under and out to either side of your boat and Dual Spectrum CHIRP shows exceptional 2D sonar with superior target separation and fish clarity. -Internal GPS and Humminbird Basemap: Our enhanced basemap provides you with a clear view of underwater terrain and surrounding points of interest so you can fish and navigate with total confidence. Identify buoys, day markers, hazards, marinas, contours, depth markers and much, much more. Includes charts of more than 10,000 lakes, plus coastal coverage for the continental U.S. -Premium Chart Compatible: Humminbird provides the most complete offering of premium chart options to anglers everywhere. Get a complete view of the world below with optional charts from Humminbird's LakeMaster® and CoastMaster™ products, as well as your choice of compatible Navionics® charts. -AutoChart Live: Create real-time maps of your fishing spots, with access to patented Humminbird® LakeMaster® features. Map depth contours, bottom hardness and vegetation as you drive your boat. Comes standard with eight (8) hours of built-in recording time and is compatible with AutoChart Zero Line SD cards for virtually-endless AutoChart Live mapping capacity. -One-Boat Network Compatible: Many Humminbird models seamlessly integrate and communicate with Minn Kota motors and Cannon Optimum downriggers to unlock more features and capabilities for anglers everywhere. Make the more of your time on the water with the exclusive boat control and fish-catching features of the One-Boat Network. -Ethernet Networking: High-speed Ethernet allows you to build a powerful, professional-grade fishing system. Easily connect multiple fish finders, or upgrade to add-on technologies like Minn Kota i-Pilot Link and Humminbird CHIRP Radar. -Bluetooth: Take control right from the screen of your Humminbird with wireless communication to compatible Talon and Raptor shallow water anchors, as well as Cannon Optimum downriggers. Additional features include wireless software updates from the Humminbird FishSmart App and display of smart phone notifications on your Humminbird. -NMEA 2000 networking built-in: Connect an accessory NMEA 2000 network to your control head for even more information; from boat performance to weather and water conditions, make sense of it all with NMEA 2000 networking. -Compatible with CZone® Contact 6, Contact 6 Plus and digital switching devices Includes control head, transom mount transducer, mounting hardware, power cable, and gimbal mounting bracket. Product comes with 2-Year Limited Warranty.
Nikad prije niste ovako lovili. Najpopularniju seriju profesionalnih fishfinder-a učinili smo još boljim za sve ribolovce. Poboljšan elegantnim, novim dizajnom, bržim procesorom, najboljim ugrađenim paketom HDS navigacijskih alata i podrškom za širok niz novih tehnologija za pronalaženje ribe, bez premca u bilo kojem drugom uređaju za pronalaženje ribe. Pripremite se za novu razinu performansi pronalaženja ribe pomoću HDS LIVE, koji uključuje ugrađeni sonar Lowrance® CHIRP, podršku za Active Imaging ™, StructureScan® 3D s Active Imaging i revolucionarni LiveSight ™ , sonar u stvarnom vremenu. Opremljen najboljim setom navigacijskih alata ikad, HDS LIVE sadrži unaprijed instaliranu svjetsku osnovnu kartu, podršku za automatsko kreiranje rute i novo mapiranje na ekranu Genesis Live koje nudi precizno mapiranje u stvarnom vremenu, sve do kontura od 1 stopa/30,5cm. *Najsjajniji i najčistiji prikaz SolarMAX ™ HD displaya *Najbrže ocrtavanje karte i sonara *StructureScan® 3D, kao i poboljšani prikaz SideScan / DownScan Imaging ™ *FishReveal ™ -Za natjecatelje i ozbiljne ribolovce -Slatkovodni ili morski ribolov !!!! -Duboka ili plitka voda !!!! -Sve veličine slatkovodnih i morskih ribarskih brodova !!!!! Iz godine u godinu više ribara profesionalaca koristi Lowrance HDS, više od svih ostalih brandova zajedno. HDS LIVE nastavlja tradiciju sa naprednom izvedbom, trenutno najboljim mogućim inovativnim značajkama sonara - od novog Active Imaging ™ i StructureScan® 3D s Active Imaging do FishReveal ™ i LiveSight ™ sonar u stvarnom vremenu. HDS LIVE vam pruža da doživite novi nivo performansi sondera.